November 16, 2008

Chronicling the Chronicles of E

Confessional writing as a literary form overtakes all other prose and poetry due to the blog environment. But this blog, the chronicles of e is a rare gem due to the fluidity of its narratives, the rawness of its emotional display, and the narrowness of its focus. He writes the way a druggist injects his dose: right to the point.

This new entry has as its parenthesis two time frames - juxtaposed for special effect and effective in bringing about the desired message of personal transformation. The texts in red are proofreading marks.

"Year 2002, 12:30am. I was inside my rented room in Manila. Reading a 3 -year- old Readers Digest I borrowed from my fuck buddy. I didn’t have anything inside my room except for tin foil, a box where I kept my crystal meth, a reconstructed lighter, and an ashtray I stole at SKINS bar (the straight bar in Malate). I didn’t have a bed, just a futon, 2 worn- out pillows my mom gave me, a blanket that smells like cum, and an electric fan. I didn’t have television or radio. I didn’t need them. I only went to my room to sleep or to smoke crystal. Most of the time, I was outside making money or crashing at a friends place."
(Grammar notes: If you compare this to the original, you will notice that I only made few corrections in the consistency of the tense and some punctuation changes.)

"2008, six years after that road trip. I came to realize that what we did to J was not only wrong, it was downright disrespectful. It wasn’t just because we took turns on him but because we didn’t respect his relationship with K. At that time, we know K was just playing him. We used him. He trusted us by letting us stay in their rest house. He gave us booze but we took advantage of him. We were young then.Sex was merely a handshake for us. I never saw J again. He was mentioned several times before but we just laughed about it. I don’t know what damage we caused him but now I know we fucked up. I’m sorry for what we did and now I’m paying the price. "
The movement from being aimless to self-directed; from disrespectful to regretful, from irresponsibility to responsible living; and from a junkie to a health-conscious person makes this post enthralling.
For the full text, visit his blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi RainB,

I first stumbled upon your name in the comments section of Victorina. You, Boldstar and Andros definitely left awe-inspiring comments. But for me, it was yours that really stood out. I had this immediate feeling that the bloggoshpere would soon be shaken by your writing prowess.

And indeed it has been. You've been catapulted to "star blogger" status in record time. Something you richly deserve. I wouldn't be surprised if your blogs reach greater heights than Amiel's.

I found your wired and wild (I prefer this to the new name) blog from Brian G's links. And boy! was I glad to learn that you had another blog, BlogPest.

I started blogging last year from my friendster account. My entries were sporadic and postings depended much on my mood. But recently, the blogging bug has bitten me real hard. I'm devouring every blog I could lay my cursor on. For inspiration and motivation I suppose, so I'd get a clear a direction where to take mine.

This is getting way too long. Anyway, what I really wanted to ask was, "Would you would be willing to put my blog on your blogoscope and subject it to the scrutiny of your masterful mind? Grammar, spelling, content, subject, the whole package. I'd be honored to get any feedback and suggestion/s from you.

I understand you must be really busy these days, so no pressure for you to give in to this request. Just trying my luck, really. So here it is:


I couldn't find your email address. I guess you opted not to post it, so I'm writing this in your comments section. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this for my exposure, just seriously needing an expert opinion. So I'm leaving it to you if you want to post this.

Thank you RainB! And continue building the empire!


RainB said...

Hello Roy...

sure, it will be my privilege. i will send to your email my add. take care dude


Anonymous said...

The privilege is surely mine. Thanks again RainB.
