November 7, 2008

A heartbreak is not an excuse for wrong grammar.

Even if he is nursing a wounded heart after his break-up from Karylle, Dingdong Dantes must not be excused from lousy sentence constructions:

"We did try hard to iron things out and save our relationship but it didn’t work out.”

1. The sudden shift from the subject WE to IT confuses the mind, considering that there were two things they tried: 1. ) iron thing out AND 2) save our relationship. Dingdong has another option (aside from Marianne) and that is to retain the subject WE.

"We did try hard to iron things out and save our relationship, but we failed."

2. While technically correct, the use of compound and split infinitives (to iron THINGS out, to save) does not result to an elegant construction. God knows, when you are heartbroken, you should remain elegant. This elegance can be achieved by being simple and specific, as opposed to being complex and generic.

"We tried hard to iron out our differences in order to save our relationship, but we failed." (Simpler. Clearer. Although with Marianne around, doubtful)

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