November 23, 2008

Oh For the Love of A Grammar, Use A Full Stop!

The sign says: Whose are these?

My libido was boiling with excitement. A bastard friend (dude, I'm going to destroy your tribe for doing this to me hehehe) asked me to initiate a hook-up with this blogger. Apparently, he is the superstar of a blog community because of his brilliant writing. It seems people there (in that community) are pushing this blogger to publish his journal entries. My friend said, "Rain, you would love this guy. He is so cute, good-looking, and a brilliant writer etc etc etc." So, just imagine my alcohol-induced horny self thinking of a new possibility! I opened his blog entry called random thoughts. I could not get past the second sentence. I passed out.

Here is a sample from Enzo_Patrick

Its been two weeks since I was able to update my so called official blog over the information superhighway. Just these weekend, I found myself strolling in the mall, alone, yes you heard me write, ALONE!
1. I can overlook the lack of punctuations, even if the errors irritate my bowels. What makes someone so lazy that he can't spend a fraction of a second to put an apostrophe in It's and a hyphen in so-called. And yet, he placed a comma where it does not belong - between mall and alone. For me, a comma out of place feels like a wedgie in the butt.
2. I am willing to overlook errors in the use of pronouns. I realize that if I will make pronoun usage as basis for dating a guy, I will grow old a virgin. Just for the record, it should be THIS WEEKEND.
3. But careless word usage? That can't be forgiven. "You heard me write?" As opposed to what? You heard me rong? First of all, you avoid using the word heard when referring to a written word. People can't hear you; they read you. Second, oh for the love of a keyboard, get it RIGHT!
Also, the last person I know who used the term information highway was Princess Diana.


Roy@Siam said...

Oh my Goliat!

The sentences you extracted simply kills. I wanted to read more to give in to the masochist in me, but the link failed.

Well, his writing turned out to be the cold shower you may have needed.

Good one Rain!

Elyong said...

Here is the correct link:

Rey was drunk when he blogpesticided enzo's blog.

Sometimes, it is scary to make comments here because our comments might get commenticide also... hahahaha.. but the shame is worth the lessons learned.

RainB said...

hehehehe@ Roy


thanks man, u hit it right (not about the commenticide)but i was drunk when i wrote the article.



Elyong said...

Still here in Iriga... scouting for excitement.

Roy@Siam said...

Thanks Headless Blogger for the link. It was quite a read. Painfully satisfying.

And I do agree with you, it's definitely "comment at your own risk" with this blog.

(Oh my, are the quotation marks appropriate? be kind please...)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Well, well, well. Look do we have here. Youre post maid me laughed. =)

RainB said...


hhahahahaha...oh man... i like that maid me laugh are quick dude